

What does protoctist mean?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: What does protoctist mean?
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What is the difference between unicellular protoctists and a bacterium?

the difference between bacteria and protoctist is that the protoctist have a necleus while the bacteria don't.... in other words the bacteria is a prokaryotes and the protoctist is a eukaryotes

What the best way to tell the difference between a single-celled protoctist and a prokaryote?

Prokaryote does not have a nucleus whereas Protocista (protoctist) do.

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A Paramecium is a protoctist

Is unicellular algae a protist?

Yes it is so is seeweed

A living thing that consist of only one cell is the?

It is called an unicellular microorganism. Protoctist are examples.

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why multicellular algae wre previously in plant but now in protoctista

How is the protoctist kingdom divided?

Theprotoctist kingdom is divided into "Plant-like protist" , "Animal-like protist" and "fungi- like protist"

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Is ringworm a bacteria virus fungi or protoctist?

Yes it is. It is a common misconception that ringworm is an actual worm. Ringworn is a fungal infection of the skin that presents itself as a ring shaped rash.

What unclassified animals are there?

birds such as emus, ostriches and penguins (as they can not fly) electric eels (have no teeth or dorsal fin) octopus are mollusks (does not have a hard outer shell) platypus = mammal (lays eggs There are also many plants which do not fit into categories if you need to know about organisms: seaweed = protoctist bacteria (no one can decide)

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he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension