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What are you doing ? (You Plural Form informal)

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Q: What does que faites-vous mean in french?
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What does que tu aimes mean in French?

'... que tu aimes is '... that you like' in French.

What does Que avec mean?

que is spanish for "what" avec is french for "with"

What does Que Signifie mean in French?

"que signifie ..." means "what means..."

What does Parce que mean?

"Parce que" is a French phrase that means "because" in English. It is used to introduce the reason or cause behind a particular action or statement.

What does the French word Que mean in English?

"What", or "That".

What does because mean in french?

parce que

What is because in French?

"parce que" or "car" mean because in French.

What does por que moi mean in French?

"por que moi" doesn't make any sense in French. por --> not a word in French. maybe pour, meaning for. que --> which, that, what moi --> me

How is What does this mean in french spelled?

The question has all words spelled correctly: "What does this mean in French?" If you meant to ask how to spell "What does this mean in French" in French, then it would be "Qu'est-ce que ça signifie en français?"

What does que sera sera in french mean?

"Que sera sera" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "whatever will be, will be" in English.

What does Ce que vous en venir mean in french?

"ce que vous en venir" makes no sense in French.

What is 'Que veut dire en français' when translated from French to English?

Que veut dire en français? in French is "What does (it) mean?" in English.