

What does quran about people who eat other peoples money?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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i dont know maybe they throw up

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Q: What does quran about people who eat other peoples money?
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In what languages does the quran exist?

Quran exist in Arabic language. This was the language of Mohammed and people in Mecca. Islam prophet Mohammed claimed that Quran was revealed to him over 23 years by a spirit. These revelations were collected by the next caliph Uthman after the death of Mohammed and called it Quran. The variants of these revelation that were found with other people were ordered by Uthman to be burned to make a single Quran.

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THE quran makes absolutely know mention about color differences. IT also does not directly or indirectly imply that there are racial differences. BUT the quran does mention there have been different tribes of people all throughout history and in all nations.

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Islam only has one true religion, the other one is like group of people who think that quran is bring by ali not muhamed ... but both of them have the same holy book quran.