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Q: What does repair mean in recycling?
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How do you repair a broken printer?

Printers are usually not worth it to fix. I would recommend recycling it. Hp and Dell offer a free recycling service. They give you a pre-paid shipping label to mail it to them.

What does reciclaje mean in English?

Reciclaje means the recycling

What happence to the things that are sent to recycle?

If you mean your computers recycling bin, they just stay there until you clear the recycling bin. If you clear the recycling bin the files are deleted entirely and cannot be recovered. You can also recover items from your recycling bin too. Alternatively if you mean actual garbage recycling it gets sent to a recycling plant where they melt down glass or plastic or other recyclable items and make them into materials that can be used again.

What repair mean?

Repair means repair, i.e. to fix it

What does Repair mean?

Repair means repair, i.e. to fix it

What is a primary recycling mean?

· Primary recycling is taking the recycled material and putting it back into the same product; · secondary recycling is using the material in some other end product · tertiary recycling requires breaking the material down into its original components.

Is it feasible to repair a printer with a broken ink cartridge carrier?

No, printers are usually not worth it to fix. I would recommend recycling it. Hp and Dell offer a free recycling service. They give you a pre-paid shipping label to mail it to them.

What is mean by rccycle?

recycling mean re-produce waste things and re-use that product

What does the 5 in the recycling symbol mean?

it's what type of plastic or glass it is

where can i dispose of a computer and monitor ?

Computer repair shops because they repair computers it's like recycling or reusing what is used.

What does the word reusing mean?

Reusing means to use again or to put back into service. The term is widely known and used in the recycling of objects and then later 'reusing; them; such as recycling paper and reusing the material to create other products.