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Zoloft is a long-term treatment for PTSD. In a controlled study, Zoloft was effective in safely improving symptoms of PTSD over a period of 28 weeks and reducing the risk of relapse.

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Q: What does research indicate about the use of Zoloft for post-traumatic stress disorder?
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Related questions

Does Zoloft help with anxiety and concentration?

From the manufacturer (Pfizer): Zoloft is FDA approved to treat depression, certain types of social anxiety conditions, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) in adults over age 18. It is also approved for OCD in children and adolescents age 6-17 years.

How does Zoloft help you?

From personal exp. I think it relieves anxeity, gives your personality more of an edge, makes your mind go faster so that you can obbsess. makes you more excited about things. Some of these things can hinder you though so be careful.

What meds treat border line personality disorder?

There are a variety of drugs that treat borderline personality disorder. Pschotherapy can also be useful. Drugs include Prozac, Zoloft, Cymbalta, Desyrel, Depakote and Lamictal.

When was Zoloft introduced for people to take it?

it was produced in the 1970s. but was not released/approved by the FDA until July 1997 for panic disorder and October of 1997 for panic disorder in children 6 to 17 yrs of age..

What are additive effects of taking Zoloft and seroquel xr?

the most common addictives with taking seroquel and zoloft are eating binges.that are like sugar rush pills basically they cause the body to crave food there horrible pills for someone over weight or that has a eating disorder.

What are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors?

Medications classified as "Re-Uptake Inhibitors" - A class of drugs that are used mainly in the treatment of depression but also effectively address other conditions, such as generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, etc

What are some medicine for bipolar disorder?

seroquel XR, lithium, zoloft, xanax, risperdal, klonopin... depakote is one more that can be used. it is also used as a drug in epilepsy

Does Zoloft contain opium?

No.Opiates are Narcotics. Zoloft is not a narcotic.

When will Zoloft reach therapeutic?

when will zoloft work for me 2months

Does Zoloft cause apathy?

Yes, Zoloft does cause apathy.

What labs to monitor when taking Zoloft?

what labs are monitoring for zoloft

Does zoloft cause sexual disfunction?

No, it doesn't. I take zoloft... it doesn't.