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Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia)

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Q: What does sakulibm army award?
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What is the KUKULIBM army award?

Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait) There were two of these awarded. One from Saudi Arabia (SAKULIBM) and Kuwait (KUKULIBM)

When was Secretary of the Army Award for Valor created?

Secretary of the Army Award for Valor was created on 2002-04-15.

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Secretary of the Army Public Service Award was created in 1998-06.

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Can you wear an Army Commander's Award for civilian service ribbon on a Marine Uniform?

No, the Army Commander's Award for Civilian Service ribbon is awarded by the U.S. Army and is not authorized for wear on Marine uniforms. Each branch of the military has its own set of authorized ribbons and medals.

Who won the Maxwell Award in 1945?

1945 Felix A. Blanchard Army

When was Commander's Award for Civilian Service created?

The Commander's Award for Civilian Service was established in 2001 by the United States Department of the Army to recognize civilians for their exceptional service and contributions to the Army mission.

Who won the Maxwell Award in 1958?

1958 Peter J. Dawkins Army