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Mid-ocean ridge system.

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Q: What does seafloor spreading form?
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Related questions

What did the magnetic strips prove in seafloor spreading?

They proved that the seafloor was spreading.

How to Diagram the process of seafloor spreading?

A diagram that shows how seafloor spreading works.

What occurs at plate boundaries that are associated with seafloor spreading?

When seafloor spreading happens, a rift forms at the bottom of a ocean and separates to form new rock. This is an example of a divergent plate boundary

Seafloor spreading begins when?

Seafloor spreading is triggered by a rift in a continental land mass.

Which force is responsible for seafloor spreading?

Gravity in the oceanic crust is responsible for seafloor spreading.

Process that forms new seafloor?

Seafloor Spreading

What does seafloor spreading have to do with the theory of continental drift?

Seafloor Spreading helped move the Continents to their current location.

What process forms new seafloor?

Seafloor spreading at midoceanic ridges.

What does magma have to do with seafloor spreading?

When seafloor spreading occurs, it pushes the underground magma up though the new crust, creating a sort of volcano out of the new crust. Magma is a very important part in seafloor spreading. :]

Is there evidence that seafloor-spreading?

its not happy

What seafloor is the process by which new crust is created when seafloor moves apart and magma rises?

Seafloor Spreading

A typical rate of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic Ocean?

The typical rates of seafloor spreading is 5 centimeters per year. Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid ocean ridges.