

What does smoking do to your circulatory system?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Smoking affects your circilatory system badly. It clogs up your bronchioles and should not be done. This causes your bronchioles to become irritated and makes you cough to try to release it. This then affects your breathing some.

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How can you help the circulatory system?

You can help the circulatory system by maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding smoking. Getting regular exercise is also important.

What body systems does smoking effect?

Smoking affects the whole body. Specifically the lungs, and circulatory system.

What effect would it have on the circulatory system if a person quit smoking?

It really wouldn't make a big change to the circulatory system because the damage has already occurred but it surely would prevent it from getting the circulatory system any worse.

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No smoking, no overeating, some exercise.

How is smoking related to atherosclerosis?

We all know that atherosclerosis clogs the blood vessels. Smoking is related because smoking would damage the respiratory system and strain the circulatory system. So since it strains the circulatory system, it is just like how atherosclerosis clogs the blood vessels. They both clog blood vessels

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smoking actually weakens the nerves in the lungs and it deposits a huge amount of wastes in the lungs which causes cancer

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