

What does snake sound like?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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6y ago

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A snake is said to hiss.

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Q: What does snake sound like?
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Snake has a long vowel sound.

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How do you pronounce snake in Arabic?

Well, snake in arabic is 'haiya'. The 'h' is a heavy sound, and the 'a' is a short sound. It sounds like 'hay-ye'. Hope that helped! ^^

Does snake have a long vowel sound?

Yes, the a in snake has a long vowel sound.

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they hiss like a snake but a little rougher sounding

What is the sound that a snake makes?

The 'hiss' sound you're referring to - is simply the snake breathing out fast.

What is hissess means?

To omit a sharp sound, like a prolonged 'sssss' a snake hisses for example

Why are they making the rattle sound?

What is making the rattle sound? If it is a rattle-snake, the rattle is to warn anything the rattle-snake believes is a danger to the snake, to keep away.

What long vowel sound does snake have?

It has a long A vowel sound. The E is silent. The word snake rhymes with cake and take.