

What does sound travel on?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Waves; sound waves.

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Q: What does sound travel on?
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Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?

The sound not travel through vacuum because sound need a medium to travel.

What is needed for sound to travel?

Sound requires a medium to travel

Does sound travel in vaccum?

Sound needs a medium through which to travel. It will not travel in a vacuum.

Why cant sound travel on the moon?

Sound can travel on the moon because there is no atmosphere. Space is a vacuum that does not allow sound to travel.

What do Sound wave not travel?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

Where does sound not propagate?

sound needs a material medium to travel. Sound can travel by compression and rarefactions.attma

How do sound waves travel what do sound waves need in order to travel?

sound waves bounce off of walls. they need air to travel.

Sound waves do not travel through what?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

Does sound travel?

Yes, sound is a wave and it travels when there is a medium for it to travel through.

What must sound have in order to travel?

An atmosphere. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

What can sound waves not travel in?

sound waves can't travel in a vacuum (space)

What a 4 different things that sound can travel though?

Sound can travel through:airwaterrocksoil