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It means that they have named their child after them. For example If John Smith named his son John, he would now be called John Smith Sr. and his son would be named John Smith Jr. Sr. stands for senior and Jr. junior

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Q: What does sr mean after a name?
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What does SR mean after a mans name?

"SR" stands for "Senior" and is used after a man's name to distinguish him from a son who may have the same name but is junior. It can also signify that the man is the elder of two individuals who have the same name.

What does Sr mean before a name?

It could stand for "senior." When the letters "Sr." are before a woman's name it stands for "Sister" as in Sister Mary Mitchell exp. Sr. Mary Mitchell

What does Sr mean inthe name Martin Luther King sr?

senior (that is martin luther king's dad)

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This is usually the last part of someone's name, where applicable; such as: II, III, Jr, Sr

Was does it mean by student's suffix?

This would be the Sr. Jr. or III after your name. Most students do not have this on their name and would leave it blank.

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How do you spell out Sr?

The abbreviation Sr. can refer to Senior, after a person's name, indicating he has a son with the same name.SR can also mean "sustained release" following a drug's name, meaning it is released slowly over an extended period of time into the body.The abbreviation Sr. before a Spanish name is Señor(Mr.).


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Can a name have a prefix?

Yes, a name can have a prefix. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a name to modify its meaning or origin, and are common in many cultures and languages. Some examples include Mc- in Irish names, Al- in Arabic names, and De- in Spanish names.

What does the name martin sr mean?

it means that you are pretty uptight about what somebody else is doing(over protective)

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This Portuguese phrase translates to "What is your father's name?" in English.