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Stress may cause the virus to flare up.

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Stress can weaken the immune system, making it harder for the body to effectively suppress the herpes virus. This can potentially lead to more frequent herpes outbreaks or worsening symptoms. Managing stress through techniques like mindfulness, exercise, and therapy may help in managing herpes symptoms.

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Does stress cause shingles?

Being stressed can trigger a break out but it doesn't give you herpes. You get herpes from having intercourse with some on that has it (cold sores), or kissing some one on the mouth that has it.

How do you get cold sore with household products?

Cold sores are a herpes virus, and are triggered by excessive sun, caffeine, and hormonal stress on the body. Household products do not generally trigger a Herpes outbreak(cold sore)

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Shingles are caused by one of the herpes viruses. They tend to appear when we are under stress. Most drugs can stress us, depending on the circumstances, but none of them cause shingles.

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Akki is a term for herpes zoster. Herpes Zoster is also known as Shingles, which is an adult version of chicken pox. This is often brought on by stress or illness.

Can trauma exacerbate a herpes outbreak on the lip?

Depends on what type of trauma it is. If it's causing you a lot of stress or lowering your immune system then that can trigger or aggravate a break out.

Can you get herpes from kissing a girl's but cheeks?

Herpes can be on your cheek.

What are fever blisters caused from?

A fever does not cause fever blisters, just like a cold doesn't cause cold sores (they are the same thing) but if infected with the Herpes Simplex I virus, a person's immune system is compromised and the virus can come out of its dormant stage. Too much sun, stress, certain foods, suppressed immune system are a few of the predisposing factors that can bring the Herpes Simplex Virus I out of its dormant stage. Remember once you have the virus, you will always have it. There is no cure.

What is herpes simplex communly known as?

Herpes simplex is commonly known as oral herpes.

Can someone have genital herpes and recurring shingles...Can each disease perpetuate the other since they both put the immune system under stress?

The STD counselor on a Herpes support site said herpes doesn't live outside the body for long..and you can not catch it from inanimate objects in a VERY RARE case if someone with herpes uses a towel after the shower and rubs enough of the "virus" off and someone uses it immediately after there is a VERY slim chance of them getting is since the towel is still damp.. but that would be a very rare occurrence.

Can you remove herpes?

You can't remove herpes.

What type of herpes do you have when it itchs?

All types of herpes cause itching or burning. This is true for oral herpes, genital herpes, chicken pox, and shingles.

What is the organism responsible for herpes?

herpes simples, herpes labialis, or herpes gigngivitis.Herpes is a type of virus which cause disease in humans like encephalitis by herps zooster virus, genital herpes by HerpesviridaeThe condition commonly known as "herpes," referring to sores on the mouth or genitals, is caused by the Herpes simplex virus, or HSV. The are other forms of the virus, such as Herpes zoster, that cause lesions on other parts of the body.Virus is herpes simplex virus type 2 for genital herpes and type 1 for oral herpes.Shingles, which is a form of herpes is caused by chicken pox virus.STD