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Tea does not actually stand for anything. It is just the name of a popular beverage.

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13y ago

The Tea party movement is a U.S. political movement against the Obama administration. "Tea" stands for Taxed Enough Already.

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What does tea stand for in tea party movement?

It's a reference to the Boston Tea Party. The acronym started with "Taxed Enough Already."

What does the American tea party stand for?

Koch industries.......

What do the letters TEA stand for in Tea Party?

Well the Boston Tea party was after officials in Boston refused to return shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston HarborToday's modern tea party movement stands for:TaxedEnoughAlready

Is the tea party good or bad?

good because the colonists gained their freadom

What does tea stand for in the phrase Boston Tea Party?

It stands for exactly that: Tea. If you'll do a quick search, the Boston Tea Party was a protest against Tea Act. However, if you're referring to TEA parties being staged all over America, TEA stands for: "Taxed Enough Already".

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party

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No, the Intolerable Acts was a result of the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party

What did the navigation acts do?

punished Boston for the tea party

How much did the tea at in the Boston Tea Party?

342 cartons of tea were dumped during the Boston tea party.

What event was a colonial protest of the tax on tea?

Boston Tea Party

How did colonists defy britains attempts at regulation and taxation?

Boston tea party