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Literally, "I want you much evil." Or possibly "I wish you much harm." Probably not what you want to imply. Probably "Te quiero mucho."

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Q: What does the Spanish sentence ''Yo quiero tu mucho mal'' mean in English?
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What does Yo quiero tu muy mucho mean?

"Yo quiero tu muy mucho" is really gibberish. It is a grammatical train wreck that translates to "I want your very much." The sentence looks like some one took the English words "I [love/like/care for] you very much" and translated them to Spanish individually. Unfortunately translations don't work that way. The proper way to say "I [love/like/care for] you very much" is simply "Te quiero mucho" or "Yo te quiero mucho" You never use the words muy mucho together in Spanish.

How do you say I want you very much too in Spanish?

Te Amo Mucho Quiero Mucho

How do you say I love them a lot in Spanish?

Los quiero mucho

How do you say I like you a lot in Spanish?

Me gustas mucho. - (more of an object kind of like) Te quiero mucho. - (like a friendly "I love you")

How do you say 'I want you now' in Spanish?

Te quiero mucho or, more directly, Te quiero ahora

What is mucho in english to spanish?

mucho - a lot.

How can you find more information about 'Te Quiero Mucho'?

The Spanish phrase 'Te quiero mucho' literally means 'I really want you' or 'I want you so much' in English, but mostly the person that uses the phrase intends to say 'I really love you' or 'I really like you'. More information about it can be found in Spanish-English dictionaries, in forums and on linguistics related websites.

What does Te Quiero Tanto Mucho mean in English?

I like you alot

Te quiero bebe mean in english?

First answer. The sentence "quiero tu bebé mucho" or without accent "quiero tu bebe mucho" are both grammatically incorrect. In the first case it should be "Quiero a tu bebé mucho" which means I love your baby very much" In the second example, "bebe" without an accent is a conjugation of the verc "beber" (to drink). So "quiero tu bebe mucho" is a pretty bad construction of the sentence "quiero que bebas mucho" which means: I want you to drink a lot. i think what they are trying to say is that they want your baby, or to have children with you? not sure if this would be in the right context but that is what it sounds like. Simple answer, "I really want to have your baby."

What does TQM stand for?

TQM Is an Abriviation word In spanish Meaning "Te Quiero Mucho" In English Meaning "I Love You Alot"

How do you say i want do a lot of things to you in spanish?

Yo quiero te hace mucho.

I love my cookie in spanish?

"Amo a mi galleta" or "Quiero mucho a mi galleta".