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Q: What does the United states constitution give more governmental power to?
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What is the American constitution?

The United States Constitution is the fundamental legal document of the United States of America. It specifies the form the government takes, how the parts of governmet shall interact, the limits of governmental power, and the rights of individual citizens. You can read it here:

Where does the power in the United States government come from?

The constitution

What is executive power?

The power of the President of the United States, delegated or implied by the Constitution, to implement and enforce laws.

What does the power and how it is level of government in the United states?

It's constitution

The United states constitution delegates police powers mainly to?

The United States Constitution delegates police power mainly to the state and local authorities.

What does the definition of the tenth amendment of the Constitution mean?

the answer is the powers not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited by the united states are reserved to the states respectfully, or to the people.

Which of the seven Principles of the constitution deal with governmental power?

seperation of power

What principle is established in the constitution of the which states the division of power is between the states and national government?

Believe it or not, you almost answered your own question. Division of power, or division of powers, is the name of the principle that governmental power in the United States of America be divided among the Federal , State, and Local governments. Specifically, Article IV of the Constitution of the United States of America specifies how the power of the several states relates to one another, and to the Federal government. Also, don't forget that the role of the state governments had developed significantly while they were colonies. The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America allows the well established roles of the various state governments to continue except in areas where the Constitution grants sole power to the Federal government. For more, please feel free to read a transcript of the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights on the website of the National Archives. See Related Links, below.

The power of the state to enact and enforce laws comes from which court?

In the United States that power comes from the individual state constitutions and from the United States Constitution.

The US constitution allocates the power to make laws to the?

The United States Constitution allocates the power to make laws to the Legislative branch.

What groups given the power to pass laws by the Constitution?

The United States Congress, as prescribed by Article I of the Constitution.

What is expressive powers?

The expressed powers clause is the tenth amendment of the United States Constitution. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."