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A, B, O Blood

Blood is labelled in lots of ways, but the commonest is by a letter - A, B, O.

The letters refer to a marker that's found on red blood cells. We inherit these markers from our parents. We all inherit one marker from our mother and one from our father. Therefore we each inherit 2 types of red blood cell. A and B markers take precedence over O markers, but are equal to each other. This is because O isn't actually a marker or a letter - it's a zero. O people don't have a letter marker on their red blood cells.

It works like this -

If I inherit either two A markers, or one A and one O, then I'm an A (A takes precedence over O).

If I inherit either two B markers, or one B and one O, then I'm a B (B takes precedence over O).

If I inherit one A and one B, then I'm AB ( A and B are equal)

If I inherit two Os, then I'm an O (and don't have any letter markers on my blood).

These markers don't matter as long as we're healthy, but they matter a lot if we're not.

The markers are how the body's immune system recognises it's own blood from anything else. If the immune system sees a marker that it recognises on the blood cells, then that's fine and the immune system leaves them alone.

But, the immune system sees a marker that it doesn't know, then you've got a big problem. This is why blood transfusions have to be matched by blood type. If you give someone with A blood a bag of B blood, their immune system will see the B marker, won't recognise it and will attack the new blood and destroy it. Same for an O who is given either A or B - their immune system won't recognise the A and B markers and will attack and destroy the blood.

But, because O blood has no markers on it, you can give this to anyone - no markers means nothing for the immune system to see or attack. And people who are AB can receive any type of blood, because their immune system will recognise A markers or B markers and will leave them alone.

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If the mother has type O positive blood and father has type AB positive blood what type blood will the baby have?

A, b, ab

What happens with a baby if a Mother have AB positive blood type and the father have AB positive blood type?

The resulting child could have A+, B+, or AB+ type blood.

Can an AB positive blood type and a o positive blood type a produce an o positive child?

No, because the domonite blood type would be AB positive. So you would most likely get a baby that is AB positive.

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If father has blood type B positive and mother has blood type AB positive what would be the blood type of the child?

the child's blood group will be AB-.

Can AB positive and O positive create O negative?

A person who is blood type AB has to be genotype AB. A person who is blood type O has to be genotype OO. So if a person who is AB mates with a person who is O, they cannot have a baby with type O. They could have an A or a B, but not O or AB.

What blood type is mother if Father is B positive and baby is AB positive?

If the child has AB blood, the A must come from somewhere. Since the B type's provided by the father, the mother could be A type, but this doesn't mean that the mother couldn't be AB type.

What blood type is rich or rare?

AB negative is the rarest blood type. AB positive is the second rarest blood type. The negative blood types are more rare than the positive. The common blood type is o.

Can parents both blood type b positive have a child with blood type ab positive?

possibility of b or o not ab

Is ab blood type a positive?

yes there is but it is rare

Universal blood recipient?

If you are AB positive (AB+ is universal receiver for positive blood group) then you can receive blood from A+, B+ & O+ & if you are AB negative then you cn receive blood from A-, B- & O-.

Can A positive blood and AB negative blood create 0 positive blood?

No. A parent with AB blood cannot have a child with O blood type.