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Q: What does the age of moon rocks tell us?
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What does the age of the lunar rocks tell us about our solar system?

They tell us the age of the moon, which indicates when the Solar System itself was being formed.

What does the age of the rocks tell us about your solar systems?

How the solar system made

What do maria tell us about the Moon's history?

The answer would be quite detailed, but put simply, by studying the rocks and formations in them we can tell the age of different parts, and seismic events that may have happened there, much the same way as geologists do on Earth.

How have the moon rocks that astronauts brought back to earth help scientist understand the history of the moon?

The moon rocks that astronauts brought back to Earth foe scientists to understand the history of the moon by having them study how old the moon is and determine its age. It can also tell the layers which now we already know. Also the moon pieces helped us determine how the surface of the moon is like with out going there, which saves money. - Angie Plata

Why are the rocks on the moon that are older than any of any rocks on us?


How are moon rocks used to determine the age of the Earth?

The oldest moon rocks are actually older than the oldest Earth rocks. The moon formed from accreted material that resulted from a collision between Earth and a Mars sized protoplanet. Both the Earth and the moon were molten for a period after the collision. Because of the moon's smaller size, it's surface cooled very quickly compared to the Earth. The solidified magma (rock) that formed the moon's crust has been dated at roughly 4.4 billion years of age. Even though no Earth rock has been found to date this old, we can still reasonably assume that the Earth is at least that old due to the fact that the moon is formed from accreted material from the previously mentioned collision.

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What does blood moon tell us?

That there will be a good harvest this year.

How would the side of the moon that faces us have craters at all if it is facing us here on earth?

Space rocks can come from any direction; they can miss the Earth and then whack the Moon's nearside.

What layers of rock can tell us about the climate when the rocks were forming?

The hard ones.

What evidence do scientist have of how the moon formed?

They have some information about the age and composition from the moon rocks they brought back. The number of craters and their shape also helps determine age and composition. They know the atmosphere, the total mass, the rotation speed and the distance from earth. All these things help in developing a theory on how the moon was formed. It is widely accepted that the Moon formed from an impact to the Earth, when it was still molten. Evidence of this is from extremely similar composition of the Earth and the Moon, and the fact that the Moon is slowly drifting away from us.