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It gives off the Co2 which is produced in the blood vessels covering the alveoli

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Q: What does the alveoli do when you breathe out?
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How does the gas exchange in the alveoli?

Gas is exchanged by diffusion. We have followed the path of the air and of the oxygen into the bloodstream. But breathing is a two-way street: we breathe in and then we breathe out. When we breathe in, or inhale, oxygen is removed from the air. Breathing also removes waste from the lungs and from our noses and mouths. How does this waste material get into the air that we breathe out, or exhale? The thin walls of the alveoli actually have two purposes. When we breathe in, oxygen passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the blood. Carbon dioxide and water vapor then travel the opposite direction. They are the main waste products that pass from the blood vessels (arteries) in the lungs, into the alveoli, through the windpipe and out the nose and mouth. In the alveoli, oxygen crosses over into the blood stream and carbon dioxide leaves the blood stream and enters the alveoli to be expelled through the lungs.

Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems interact within the alveoli?

The respiratory and circulatory systems interact within the alveoli in a simultaneous manner. When you breathe in the oxygen in diffused in the alveoli which is then carried by the blood to the heart and pumped to the rest of the body.

What 3 things happen to the air you breathe before it reaches the alveoli?

Warm the air, Moisten, and filter of debris.

What happens to the air as it travels in the body?

When we breathe oxygen.The oxygen then goes down the trachea and through the bronchiole tubes and into the lungs, where it meets the alveoli. The Oxygen in the alveoli then diffuses through the alveoli and through the capillaries in the lungs. The capillaries are only one cell thick, thus making it easier for the oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse through. The carbon dioxide diffuses through, in the other direction from, the capillaries to the alveoli, where it can leave the body via the bronchiole tubes, trachea and exiting out the mouth and we end up breathing out oxygen. Also the name for when we breathe oxygen and and breathe out carbon dioxide is "gas exchange"

What is the name of the process which occurs in the lungs?

Respiration. It's the process in which the air we breathe is taken through the trachea. From the trachea it is taken to the lung. The lung has lots of roots like a tree. On the end of each root there are the alveoli (air sacs). The oxygen diffuses in the alveoli. It is then transported into the cells and we breathe out the carbon dioxide.

What gas makes up most the air you breathe?

its nitrogen and is about 78% but the gas enter in our blood thourgh alveoli is oxygen.

What path does the air take when we breathe in?

Larynx - trachea - bronchi - alveoli. First two are throat, second two are lung.

What can happen to the alveoli if the lungs get damadged by smoking or disease?

The alveoli lose their elasticity and thus when you breathe in, not as much oxygen is taken in and transferred to the red blood cells, this is why people who have lung disease or smoke get out of breath easily

How do mammals breathe?

Mammals breathe using organs called lungs. They take air in and the oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in small organelles called alveoli. This carbon dioxide is then expelled.

List the organs air will travel through as you breathe in order?

Nares, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli