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Q: What does the average person do at least 8 times a month?
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What does the average person do 8 times a month?

The average person will eat out at a restaurant 8 times a month. This could be breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

How many times does the average person go to the bathroom a month?

Once. no, 124

How many average times a person laugh in a day?

a average person laugh at least i don't know According to a 1978 article in Psychology Today the average American laughs about 15 times a day.

How many days does it take for the average person to memorize a song?

The average person must repeat something at least 20 times in order to memorize it, so however many days you need to repeat the song at least 20 times!

How many times does a person go to the store a year?

A person should go to the store at least 1 to 2 times in a month. So you do 2x12=24. So a person should go to the grocery store at least 24 times a year if not more.

How many times do people wee a day?

the average person wees about times a day except for certain people

How many does the average person fart in a day?

At least every time they eat so about 3 times a day

How much or how often does the average person get distracted?

The average person gets distracted 6 to 10 times every minute. This means you are distracted at least once every ten seconds

What should be the average number of times of wet dreams in a month?

It depends on the person age, marital status, culture, and social life.

How many times does the average person laugh everyday?

i think it is that was i read is 14.7 times a day!

How many times do you wash your gerbil?

once a month at least

How many times in a month you can use hair spa treatment?

3 times at least