

What does the biography of John McCain look like?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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John McCain was born on August 29,1936.In 1965,McCain got married to Carol Shepp.In 1980,McCain got married to Cindy Hensley.In 1986,McCain was elected to the Senate.In 1987,McCain became a United States Senator from Arizona.In 2008,the Republican party chose McCain to run for president.Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska was selected as McCains running mate.In November 2008,McCain lost the election to Democrat Barack Obama.

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What does the John McCain biography look like?

John McCain was born on August 29,1936.In 1945,McCain faced tragedy when his grandfather died.In 1954,McCain graduated from Episcopal High School.In 1958,McCain graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy.In 1965,McCain got married to Carol Shepp.In 1980,McCain got married to Cindy Hensley.In 1982,McCain was elected to Congress.In 1987,McCain became a senator.In 2000,McCain unsuccessfully ran for president.In 2008,McCain ran for president but he lost the election to Barack Obama.

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John McCain is fat. If you look at the pictures of him as a young man, you can see he was athletic but slender.

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John McCain was born on August 29,1936,in the Panama Canal Zone.His father and grandfather had served as navy admirals.In 1958,McCain graduated from the U.S Naval Academy.On July 3,1965,McCain got married to Carol Shepp.In 1967,McCains plane was shot down over North Vietnam.After being shot down over Hanoi,he was captured.In 1973,McCain was released by the north Vietnamese.In 1976,McCain and his wife seperated.In 1979,McCain met Cindy Hensley.In 1980,John and Carol got divorced.In May,John and Cindy were married.In 1981,McCain resigned from the navy and moved with his wife to Phoenix,Arizona.In 1982,McCain was elected to Congress.In 1984,McCain won a second term in Congress.In 1986,McCain was elected to the Arizona Senate.In 1992,he won a second term in the Senate.In 1998,McCain won a third term in the Senate.In 2000,McCain lost the Republican nomination to run for president.After losing the nomination,McCain withdrew from the race and returned to the Senate.In 2004,McCain won a fourth term in the Senate.In 2008,McCain won the Republican nomination for president.Then,he surprised everyone by selecting Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.In November,McCain lost the election to Barack Obama.In 2010,McCain won a fifth term in the Senate.

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umm...look it up you lazy bumbs. it's not my job.

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look on his website under issues&legislation -> then committee assignments

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Opinion No. if he did has he doesnt know about it and I dont even like the guy. his party encourages terorism though, look what happened in iraq.

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Sarah Palin was born on February 11,1964 in Sandpoint,Idaho.A few months later,the family moved to Alaska.In 1988,Palin got married to Todd Palin.In 2006,Palin became the first female to become governor of Alaska.In 2008,the Republican party nominated John McCain as their presidential candidate.Palin was chosen as the Republican vice presidential candidate.In November,Palin and McCain lost the election.

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