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Q: What does the black nautical star tattooed on your hips mean?
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What does it mean if a person has guns tattooed on their hips?

It means theyre trying to look like they're armed. Kind of a trendy thing, but when I say trendy I mean, unconventionally trendy.

What does green and black nautical stars mean?

Green and black Nautical star tattoos to my knowledge are a symbol for Irish strength and diversity

What is the meaning of 2 nautical star tattoos on your chest?

The meaning of 2 nautical star tattoos on your chest can mean a number of things. There are no standard meanings for tattoos, it is up to the person getting tattooed. Often nautical stars are used as symbols of moving forward, or of being able to follow your path.

What does a purple and black nautical star mean?

Nautical stars are popular tattoos. The nautical star was originally a symbol for sailors but in present times, despite color, they do not have a meaning.

What do the three black lines mean for paramore?

It is there logo or sign. Hayley has it tattooed on left wrist. Thanks for asking:D

What does a black arm tattoo mean?

When the entire arm is tattooed black it usually means that their arm was used for practice by apprentice artists, including themselves.

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What does a black line 7 inches long by 2 inches wide tattooed on a gay mans forearms and triceps mean?

You'll have to ask him!

What does elevate your hips mean?

to elevate your hips. To move them up.

Why do girls get tattooed?

Because we can! Why can men get tattooed then? Because tattoos have meaning and they are hott. I have plenty and they all mean something to me.

In Spider-man 2 what does 38-24-36 mean when they're talking about Black cat?

That is the Black Cat's measurements. Bust, Waist and Hips. Shes's curvey.

What do people mean when they say Red Hips?

means their hips are red