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Q: What does the carpometacarpal joint consist of?
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What is the name of the joint at the base of your thumb?

carpometacarpal joint

Which is the largest saddle variety of synovial joint?

carpometacarpal joint of thumb

What is the joint in your thumb that gives the tiumb its range of movement?

carpometacarpal joint which is a saddle joint

What is a subluxed 1st carpometacarpal joint?

This means you have a partial dislocation of the first joint in your thumb - Jan

What are the movements of the 1st carpometacarpal joint?

flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation, circumduction

How many bone is in the Thumb?

There are four bones in the thumb. one at the top one at the bottom and one at either side.The bones in the thumb consist of: distal phalanx; proximal phalanx; metacarpal; carpal bones (carpometacarpal joint (CM).

How does the saddle joint help us in our daily life?

The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a saddle joint. It makes the thumb opposable allowing us to manipulate tools and to grip.

What CPT code should be used for first carpometacarpal joint injection?

The code I would use is 20600.

What can you do if you have Degenerative changes in the first Carpometacarpal joint?

I have the same issue on both wrists and doctor is recommending joint replacement surgery. Medicines, therapy are all temporary band-aids and will not fix the problem.

The contacting cushioning surfaces of a moving joint such as your hip joint consist of?


What type of joint is the thumb joint?

saddle joint- This joint has two bones that fit together in a special way. It can move in all directions, except rotational. It's what makes us different from monkeys as they can't move their thumbs!

What is the CMC joint in your body?

The CMC joints in the body are joints in the wrist used as bases for the metacarpal bones. You can get more information about this at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type ":Carpometacarpal joint" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.