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It will always have the biggest influence on seasonal weather and how much light is allowed to penetrate to the surface. However, the tilt of the Earth is the main cause for seasons.

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Q: What do the 4 seasons and earth have in common?
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Does the Arctic Circle have four seasons?

no it only has 4 seasons klam07

Which continents have four seasons?

All continents on Earth have 4 climatic seasons.

What are some common misconceptions regarding the seasons?

One common misconception is that the seasons are caused by the distance of the earth from the sun; when the sun is closer to earth we are hotter, and when the sun is farther away we are cooler.

Does Morocco have 4 distinct seasons?

Seasons are due to earth's tilt on its axis. All parts of the earth experience them to some degree.

Does California go through all 4 seasons?

Yes. Every point on the Earth goes through all 4 seasons.

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the two seasons on earth that do not have seasons are spring and fall

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yes Jupiter does have seasons each pf them last about 4-6 earth days

What gives the world 4 seasons?

the spinning earth around the sun

Why there is 4 seasons of the earth?

Because of the Earth's tilt and its annual rotation around the Sun each year.

What makes the earth change seasons?

The Earth's seasons changes by the tilt of the Earth.

What are four physical factors that contribute to Earth's seasons?

The Earth's tilt causes Earth's seasons. The Earth's orbit around the sun also affects the seasons. Landforms on Earth such as mountains play a part in the seasons as do the earth's oceans.

What are Earth's seasons the result of?

The Earth's seasons are a result of the way the Earth is titled on an axis and its elliptical orbit around the sun. The Earth is the only planet to have seasons.