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affirmative action

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Q: What does the federal government hopes to overcome of the past discrimination?
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What new hopes and ideals did the Americans have after the war of 1812?

To claim that states had the right to defy the federal government

The us government borrows money by?

Issuing Treasury Bonds and other government-backed securities

What idea was the centerpiece of FDR's new deal with which he hopes to the reverse the depression?

experimentation with federal programs

What is spiff balling?

Not too dissimilar to spitballing by both pronunciation and by definition it is when one who suggests a throwaway idea that one puts hopes or no hopes in a cynical or playful manner as a shot in the dark directive to overcome an obstacle or objective that one or a team

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Astana is closer to Russia and Europe. By moving the capital the government hopes the economy will benefit from European tourism and investment.

How where hopes of African-Americans dissapionted after the war?

The Federal government (mis)led the newly-freed slaves to believe that they would receive land and other resources - "forty acres and a mule." Also, after Federal administrators left the former Confederate States in 1877, white southerners regained control, denied the vote and other civil rights to blacks, and legalized segregation in schools and other public places.

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The "Beer Hall Putsch" was staged by the NSDAP in the hopes of seizing power from the German government for themselves .

How do you say hopes meaning in spanish?

'hopes' = espera (verb, e.g. 'he hopes') 'hopes' = esperas (plural noun, e.g. 'high hopes')

What are modern day anti-federalists?

All anti-federalists (past and present) are centered around the same basic principal, which is being against the federal government. A good example of founding father who was anti-fed. is Thomas Jefferson, who believed in small local governments. Today, possibly the most popular anti-federalist is Ron Paul, who wants to end the federal reserve, and many other federal programs, with hopes to strengthen our economy, and put power into the hands of state governments.

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The Federal Reserve lowers interest rates during a recession in hopes to spark economic activity (aka consumer spending).

What obstacles did Cleopatra come across?

Her first obstacle was her brother in their fight for the throne. Then she had to adjust her policies after Caesar was killed as she had pinned all her hopes on Caesar's protection. Her greatest obstacle was Octavian. He was the one obstacle that she could not overcome.

How do you prosecute an ex correctional officer who continues to break the law?

Unless "you" are the government, you don't. Private citizens cannot "prosecute" anyone. You can make a complaint to the police about it in the hopes that the government will choose to prosecute, but that's about it.