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Fusion of two hydrogen nuclei results in the formation of helium and a stray neutron.

H31 + H21 -----> He42 + n10 The hydrogen with atomic number 3 is trituim and the hydrogen with atomic no. 2 is deutrium. They both fuse together to form Helium with the release of a spray neutron, accompanied by a large release of energy.

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Q: What does the fusion of hydrogen nuclei create?
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What is combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy called?

That would be nuclear fusion, like what happens in stars, when two hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus.

Compare and contrast fusion and fission?

With nuclear fission, a large atomic nucleus (such as a uranium nucleus) breaks apart into smaller nuclei, and energy is released. With nuclear fusion, small atomic nuclei (such as hydrogen) join to become larger nuclei, and energy is released. Fusion of hydrogen releases much more energy than any other type of either fusion or fission. Note that the dividing line between heavy nuclei and light nuclei is the iron nucleus, which is at the perfect point of nuclear stability, so that neither fusion nor fission of iron nuclei would release any energy.

How does hydrogen affect people?

The sun (mostly hydrogen) is basically a nuclear fusion reactor, releasing energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into higher elements (which is where the higher elements actually come from). In fact it is a fusion bomb held together by stupendous gravity. No hydrogen, no sun, no people.

What is the name of the process where two nuclei join to create a new element?


What is a hydrogen bomb made of?

a hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of nuclear fusion. 4 hydrogen nulcei combine to form a helium nuclei and release energy. But fusion is only possible at high temperatures. Hence a nuclear fission reaction is carried out to get a high temperature.practical hydrogen bombs actually use the solid chemical lithium deuteride, not hydrogen as their fuel. neutrons from the bomb's fissioning plutonium "sparkplug" split the lithium nuclei to produce tritium, which then undergoes fusion with the deuterium. this deuterium-tritium fusion happens at far lower temperatures and pressures than the 4 hydrogen fusion mentioned above requires.

Related questions

How does the sun create energy and where does it happen?

By nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei, in the core.

What nuclei are fused in the nuclear reaction of a hydrogen bomb?

Deuterium (heavy hydrogen) nuclei and tritium nuclei to form helium nuclei. This comes from lithium deuteride in modern "dry" hydrogen bombs. Neutrons from fission splits the lithium generating tritium just before fusion is ignited..

What is preventing fusion energy from filling out current energy needs?

in neclear fusion, two hydrogen nuclei combine to create a helium, which has slightly less mass than the two hydrogen nuclei. The lost mass is converted to energy.

What does nuclear fusion create inside of stars?

Inside the sun, nuclear fusion creates helium nuclei from...a. oxygen nuclei. b. beryllium nuclei.c. carbon nuclei.d. hydrogen nuclei.The answer is d. hydrogen nuclei.

Which pair of nuclei can undergo a fusion reaction?

Hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3

Is Fusion a process in which existing nuclei combine to make new nuclei?

Yes. In nuclear fusion, experiments are trying to produce fusion of nuclei of deuterium and tritium, which are isotopes of hydrogen. The product will be nuclei of helium plus released energy.

Hydrogen nuclei collide at high speeds to form helium nuclei this reaction is called?


What happens in the core that marks the birth of a star?

Nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.

What happen in the core that marks the birth of a star?

Nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.

What nuclei and energy are the products of the nuclear fusion of the suns hydrogen?


What does nucleur fusion create inside stars?

First hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium, and then as the star ages heavier and heavier elements are formed.

What gas is produced by nuclear fusion?

In the most common stellar fusion, helium gas is formed from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei.