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A cracked windshield is a deficiency which you can be cited for in a CMV - in any state. It wouldn't be enough to put you out of service, but, with the 72 hour annual DOT blitz currently under way, and the CSA2010 system in place, being cited for it will add points to one's CSA score, even if only a warning ticket is issued for it.

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Q: What does the law say about a cracked windshield on a commercial vehicle in the state of New York?
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Related questions

Is it illegal to sell a car with a cracked windshield in Illinois?

No, it is not illegal to sell a car with a cracked windshield in the state of Illinois. However, it is illegal to drive a car with a cracked windshield in almost any state.

Can you drive a commercial vehicle on the highway without a windshield?

Check your state laws in my state you cant drive any thing without a windshield, I mean other than a motercycle or somthing like that.

Is it illegal to drive a car with a cracked windshield in Hawaii?

It is in any state.

What is the Arkansas laws for a vehicle with a cracked windshield?

not if in drivers view. state troppers will pull u over if in center view of windshield.i have drove cars with crack at top never nothing said.windshields or cheap to have replaced makes you fell better and the car look better entergey bill cant afored but just had wendo put in my old truck because of crack at top hope this info helps

Can you drive in Colorado with a cracked windshield?

It is illegal to drive in Colorado with a cracked windshield. Apart from being illegal, it is also dangerous to drive with a cracked windshield in ANY state. A crack can turn into a shattered windshield in a matter of seconds causing serious injury and death, in some cases, depending on the situation. Dont' do it. Anywhere. Ever. If your windshield is cracked, get it fixed immediately, and by all means, never drive it on any freeway.The Department of Motor Vehicles in Colorado his this law posted:26710. It is unlawful to operate any motor vehicle upon a highway when the windshield or rear window is in such a defective condition as to impair the driver's vision either to the front or rear. In the event any windshield or rear window fails to comply with this code the officer making the inspection shall direct the driver to make the windshield and rear window conform to the requirements of this code within 48 hours. The officer may also arrest the driver and give him notice to appear and further require the driver or the owner of the vehicle to produce in court satisfactory evidence that the windshield or rear window has been made to conform to the requirements of this code.

Can you carrying a gun in a commercial vehicle?

Yes, within the limitation of the laws of the state which you're traveling in. Basically, the laws for carrying in a commercial vehicle are the same in every state as they are for carrying or transporting a firearm in a personal vehicle.

New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 403?

Registration not affixed to your windshield

Do you have to smog your commercial vehicle?

That depends on the state it's registered in.

What is the color scheme for the number plate of a commercial vehicle?

That depends on the country where the vehicle is registered and then perhaps the state of that country.

Is it illegal to drive a car with a cracked windshield in WA State?

If this crack impedes your ability to safely operate the motor vehicle, then yes, it could be illegal. The windshield is your first defense against injury in an auto accident ... one would logically think that having this first defense mechanism in proper working order would be paramount to anything else. The life you save could be your own.

Is it illegal to drive with a cracked back windshield?

(in the US) it will depend on the DMV regulations of your particular state. Of the states I am personally aware of there is no regulation against it, but you must be able to see out of it.

What is the Commercial vehicle gun law in MD?

This one will cover all 50 states regarding a gun in a commercial vehicle is not allowed. ====== False - there is NOTHING in the FMCSR addressing firearms in a commercial vehicle. The laws of transporting firearms in a CMV are going to be the same as any other vehicle, and these laws will vary from state-to-state. If you're in MD, it's not a very gun-friendly state, and they do not recognise out-of-state concealed carry permits, so you won't be permitted to carry it concealed in the cab.