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Nothing at all. It's not related in any way.

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Q: What does the lightning bolt scar in harry Potter have to do with Greek Mythology?
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What are the allusions for chapter 14 the lightning thief?

Chapter 14 of "The Lightning Thief" makes several allusions to Greek mythology, such as the mention of Daedalus and Icarus when Percy and his friends navigate the Labyrinth. The characters also encounter the river Lethe, which is referenced in Greek mythology as the river of forgetfulness. Additionally, there are allusions to Harry Potter with references to Hagrid and Hermione during their visit to Medusa's garden.

Did Harry Potter or The Lightning Thief series come first?

Harry Potter came out before Percy Jackson.

What is the connection between the magical objects in Harry Potter and Greek mythology?

There are numerous links between the two. The individuals on the Chocolate Frogs include some individuals from Greek mythology. Circe, Paracelsus and Agrippa are from Greek methodology.

What are some references to Greek mythology in modern books?

percy jackson is a big one Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Who is the young boy with a lightning shaped scar on his forehead?

Harry Potter. This was a result of a failed attempt at his life by Voldemort.

How has J.K. Rowling drawn upon mythology in the creation of the parallel world of witches and wizards in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Three headed dogs are from Greek mythology and J.K. Rowling uses one the guard the philosopher's stone - which is also from a legend.Centaurs and other creatures used in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone are also from mythology.

How do you shoot lightning out of your wand in Harry Potter?


What parts of Harry Potter were based on actual mythology?

the sorcery part

Where is harry potter's scar?

Harry's lightning scar is located on his forehead.

What are movies similar to The Lightning Thief?

Harry Potter. Sorry, but it's true.

Harry Potter is the lightining bolt real?

no the lightning bolt broomstick is not real

What literary character boasts a lightning bolt scar on his forehead?