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it makes the liver bigger also known as waste yot and makes dissolve in your stomach alo adds alot of milk and carbohydrate it also releases oxeygons such as carbon monixiode to posion ur stomach so the animals inside can enjoy the food so you can pass in the toilet easier

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Q: What does the liver do to insulin and what effect does it have on glucose levels?
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How the hormones glucagon and insulin work together to control blood-glucose levels?

The pancreas has specialized cells that make two different hormones, insulin and glucagon. These two hormones control the level of glucose in the blood. Insulin lowers blood-glucose levels by telling the liver to convert glucose into glycose and to store glycogen for the future. Glucagon has the opposite effect. It tells the liver to convert glycogen into glucose and to release the glucose into the blood.

What is an important effect in an increase in glycogenolysis in the liver?

insulin I m not really very sure but you can ask it to your prof.

What is the name of the hormone that controls blood glucose levels by causing the liver and muscles to take up glucose and store it?


What effect does insulin have on sugar?

Insulin allows glucose(sugar) to enter the body's cells. Insulin also stimulates the liver to convert glucose to glycogen and store it for later use. The end effect is blood sugar is decreased.

What is the hormone from the pancreas which functions in opposition to insulin known as?

The hormone from the pancreas which functions in opposition to insulin is glucagon. It raises blood sugar levels by promoting the breakdown of glycogen into glucose in the liver.

Does insulin mobilize liver glycogen to yield glucose?

No, insulin stimulates the liver to produce glycogen from glucose. Glucagon mobilizes liver glycogen to yield glucose.

Are insulin and glucagon antagonistic hormones?

Yes insulin and glucagon are antagonistic hormones, as they antagonize, or incite a reaction, the liver into transforming glucose into glycogen when the blood sugar levels are high (insulin), and transforming glycogen into glucose when the blood sugar levels are low (glucagon).

Why the concentration of glucose in the blood rises after a meal?

After a meal, glucose levels rise. This causes the pancreas to excrete insulin. Insulin causes cells in the liver, fat, and muscle tissue to take up glucose and store it as glycogen. This makes the blood glucose levels decrease again to a normal rate.

What hormone promotes storage of glucose by the liver?


What hormone removes glucose from the blood and stores it in the liver?

GlucagonINSULIN causes glucose to be removed from the blood stream by having it stored in the form of Glycogen in muscle and liver cellsGLUCAGON causes glycogen to be broken down from liver and muscle tissue and releases glucose into the blood stream, thus increasing circulating blood glucose levels. The hormone, released by the pancreas, is insulin.

What hormone is involved in blood glucose regulation?

There are two hormones that regulate blood glucose levels. One is insulin. This horemone "carries" glucose into the cell. No glucose and the cell starves and the glucose levels get higher in the blood. The second hormone takes glucose out of liver storage and increases the glucose in the blood. These two are a feedback mechanism that keeps the levels in a normal range.

What is the hormone that signals the release of glucose out of storage?

When blood glucose levels drop, the pancreas releases the hormone glucagon, which signals the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream.