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It feels like you have to urinate. If the micturition reflex is blocked, you don't have to go.

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Q: What does the micturition reflex feel like?
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What is another name for micturition reflex?

Urination erection?

What triggers the micturition reflex in the walls of the bladder?

stretch receptors

What does the parasympathetic nervous system stimulate in the micturition reflex?

The parasympathetic nervous system allows the act of micturition. The sympathetic nervous system inhibits it.

Is the micturition reflex center is located in the pons?

It is localted in the Sacral plexus

The micturition reflex center is located in the?

sacral segments of the spinal cord

What serves as the effector for micturition reflex arc?

An efferent somatic (pudendal nerve) output to the external sphincter which relaxes the external sphincter and causes the urine to flow through the urethra is the effector part of the reflex arc.

Why do you feel like you are going to vomit after performing fellatio?

It could be repeated triggering of the gag reflex.

Is micturition to empty the bladder?

Yes, micturition is another word for urination.

You feel like you are about to throw up what can you do to stop it?

Breath in and out very slow and try to relax your gag reflex.

The act of expelling urine from bladder is called?

I believe it is called "micturition". -JS yes it is micturition..... double checked in medical dictionary thanks -JS from mzippa

What is the act of expelling urine from the bladder?

Urinating, which is contracting the urinary bladder.

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