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I just searched on Google and found some pictures.

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Q: What does the painting of grazing horses look like by franz marc?
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Are mustangs carnivores?

No. Mustangs are feral horses and like all horses are grazing animals (herbivores).

Do grazing animals like to live in the grassland?

Yes...grazing animals like horses for example, eat grass therefore they live where their food is.

Are zebras herbovoies?

Yes zebras are grazing animals much like horses or cows.

The name in the back of the frame is all I have to go by and that's all Franz Xaver Muller Wurzburg the painting is from like the Romans on their horses with there worrier suits?

I do not have an answer but I have a frame with the same info on the back. My aunt bought it in the 50's I think in France or Germany. The painting is of roses...By Gurt Haase.

Why did Franz Marc like painting animals?

Marc likes to paint to show harmony, they are peaceful

Do horses see yellow or blue best?

Yes. They are dichromatic like any other prey and grazing animal is.

Why is grass important to buffaloes?

Like horses, cows, sheep, and many other animals, buffalo are grazing animals that eat grass.

How do zebras eat?

They walk around grazing mainly on grass, pretty much like horses, donkeys and such.

Why did Edgar paint dancers?

Because he felt like their movement and facial expressions were something worth capturing in a painting. He was not only famous for painting dancers, but also horses.

What do horses like to do mostly?

Eating is probably their favorite pastime, though many horses also enjoy playing nearly as much as grazing. Really it comes down to each individual horses personalities and likes some will prefer to do things other than eat.

Does a horse eat only plants?

In the wild, they do, yes; it's an activity called grazing. Domestic horses confined to stables, barns or drylots with no grazing area don't have this opportunity. It is primarily seen as a social and behavioural activity for horses; for one, it keeps the horse from being bored, it is a social bonding experience and activity, and it some how keeps a horse from acquiring stereotypical behaviour disorders like that seen in horses that have been confined for a long time. It is natural for a horse to be grazing at least 8 to 12 hours a day. Horses that do not have this opportunity develop stereotypies such as wind-sucking, weaving, pacing and cribbing because they are denied their natural behaviour and activity of grazing with their herd mates all day.

Do horses eat everyday?

Yes, horses eat every single day. In fact, it is natural for a horse to eat all day every day. (grazing, like they do naturally in the wild) An owned horse needs to be fed generously morning and night. Runninghorse