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Q: What does the quote When the rich wage war it's the poor who die mean?
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Who said When the rich wage war its the poor who die?

Linkin Park

Why do Muslims 2.5 percent of their wage to the poor?

By giving a certain amount of money to the poor, the rich and poor are more balanced

Which group did Progressives think were wage slaves?

The working poor.

What happened to poor people during Elizabeths I's reign?

Not all people were poor. The rich were very rich and most landowners were not poor but their tenants were and most manual workers, (most of the population), were poor. If you don't have a rich family and you have to earn your wage by manual work, and in those days that meant agricultural work, you are tied to a landowner who pays you and owns your house. If you cause any problems to your landlord, you lose your job and your home, and there's always someone who will step into your job for a smaller wage because that is better than living in the open with no money at all.

What did it mean to call the poor ''wage slaves''?

they had a difficult time surviving because of low wages(:

Is Jamaica a rich country or a poor country?

The average per capita income of Jamaica is about 4,000 US dollars a year which would classify it as a third world country and therefore poor. Minimum wage is about 25-30 USD A WEEK. For this reason many Jamaicans leave the country to find work (primarily in USA, Canada, and the UK) and send money (remitances) home.In comparison to some other Caribbean islands Jamaica is quite poor.

How to Bridge the gap between the rich and poor?

I think there are many ways to help bridge the gap between the rich and poor. Firstly you could introduce a sensible maximum wage (a bit like our minimum wage!) Or you could increase the taxes on the very rich and use the taxes to put better resources into getting people out of poverty. I also think there should be a limit on how much property someone can own. Though property is very profitable a house should be a home and not a way of making business and gaining huge capital without doing any work! None of these are going to favourable choices.

What does wage entitlement mean?

Wage Entitlement is when you get entitled to get a raise on you wage. A wage is when you get money or getting money on pay day.

What iron ore-rich territories did Bismarck wage war to control?


What is the average wage in Congo?

its a poor place, you kill to eat

What do economists mean by the term sticky wage?

it is par day wage

What does the French word wage mean?

wage isn't a French word.