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Cerebellum - takes charge of the balance, movement and coordination. So in my opinion it still works the same as is.

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Q: What does the right side of cerebellum do?
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Does the right side of the cerebellum control the right side of the body.?

its opposite the right controls the left and left controls the right

True or false The right side of the cerebellum controls the right side of the body?

I deleted the previous person's answer due to the fact that it was grossly incorrect. The cerebellum acts in contrast to the cerebrum. The cerebrum's functions are unilateral whereas the cerebellums are not. Therefore the answer to this question is that yes the right side of the cerebellum does control the right side of the body.the answer is false for vhs user

Creativity and artistic ability is associated with which side of the cerebellum?

Creativity and artistic ability is associated with the right side of the brain, although recent studies show this is not strictly the case.

The two sides of the brain are?

The brain stem, cerebellum and the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the bulk and controls your speech, memory... Practically everything. The cerebellum is at the bottom left corner of the cerebrum and controls your balance. The brain stem controls the transport of signals in the body. There is also a left and a right side in the cerebrum; the left side controls your right hand and right foot; the right side controls your left hand and left foot. If you are right handed, your left brain dominates and vice versa. If you are right handed, you are more of a math and languages person; if you are left handed, you are more of a arts person.

Where in the brain will you find the cerebellum?

The cerebellum can be found right above the nape of the neck, behind the medulla and the spot where the spinal cord meets the skull.

What part of the brain coordinates the actions of your muscles and helps you keep your balance?

The part of the brain that regulates balance is the cerebellum ( found on in the hind brain which is located right on top of the spinal cord). The cerebellum looks wrinkled and also controls: - limb movement -muscle tone and coordination Both of which are important to balance.

Would it be unusual for someone missing the right cerebellum to be left handed?

no it doesn't has to be

Which is bigger medulla cerebrum or the cerebellum?

r cerebellum

A patient was admitted to the medical surgical unit with a stroke that affected the motor neurons in the pyramidal pathway. This affected the loss of voluntary movement to his left side.?

Voluntary movement is coordinated by the cerebellum on the left side of the brain so if that's the case the right side of his body would be affected

What differences did you note in the structures of the sheep cerebellum and the human cerebellum?

The sheep cerebellum is much smaller than the human cerebellum.

Is a cerebellum a cell?

no, the cerebellum is the brain.

What part of the brain is related to reading comprehension?

The left temporal lobe is thought to be critical for language comprehension and production. Wernicke's Area is the name of the specific region of the temporal lobe that is associated with speech comprehension, whereas Broca's Area is a region of the temporal lobe associated with speech production.