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Their egg is blue-green sort of a roundish oval.

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Q: What does the robin red breast's egg look like?
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What does an American robin's egg look like?

American robin eggs are relatively small and light blue in color.

How heavy is a robin's egg?

a Robyn's egg may be seen small but guess what it is not that heavy like you think is like holding a notebook.=)

Can a robin egg be can a robin egg incubated at 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit?


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How a robin's egg thurns into a robin?

just like any bird, it grows up inside the shell then it pecks its way out. if its easier for you to think of it this way, think of it as a chicken egg. Its basicaly the same process, only the egg is smaller.

Will a robin foster another egg?

Yes, a robin will ,in fact, foster another egg. I think.

How does a robin make an egg?

Have sex with a male robin.


Robin's eggs are light blue.

What does a pill bug egg look like?

Well it a white egg that is really small.They can look like fertilizers.

Is it a robin or a bluebird who lays an egg the size of an average grape?

This is a robin.

Does the robin hatch from an egg?

yes it can

How do you robin egg alive?

you eat it.