

What does the soil hold?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: What does the soil hold?
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What is soil permeability?

soil permeability is the amount of water soil can hold

What is the part of vegetation that helps hold soil together?

Roots help hold soil together.

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Is soil easy to hold?

depends on how chunky it is. chunky soil will stick to itself and make it easy to hold.

How does the size of rock particles in soil affect the amount of water it can hold?

the answer to this question is that Soil with smaller particles can hold more water when Soil with larger rock particles can hold less water.....

What type of soil can hold least water?

loamy soil

Can you use soil texture in a sentence?

soil texture deterimines how much water soil can hold

What does decomposed matter allow soil to hold more of?

It helps the soil hold more rainfall so there will be less runoff and ruin the crops.

What can you do with bare soil and decaying plants to hold soil in place?

it makes the soil more rich and makes bare soil more full.

How can you increase soils ability to hold water?

In order for soil to increase its ability to hold water it must have a higher amount of clay present in it. The more clay present in the soil, the more water it will hold. The opposite to this is how sandy or grainy the soil is, if it is too sandy then it will not hold water very well.

How do grass roots hold the soil?

with skill

Does clay soil hold water?
