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hambre = hunger or hungry

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Q: What does the spanish word h ambre mean?
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Hockey is a sport starting with h in Spanish as there is no translation for the English word.

What does h sound like in spanish?

In Spanish, H's are usually silent. For example, the word "hombre," is pronounced, "OHM-breh."

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gay = homosexual in Spanish (the h is silent). Spanish speaking people also use the English word "gay".

How do you say b for boil in Spanish?

The word for "boil" in Spanish does not start with a B. The word for "boil" in Spanish is "hervir". So you'd have to say "H is for boil (hervir)", which would be "H es para hervir".

What does oh mean in spanish?

'o' (without the 'h') = or

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If you mean "oreja" (the Spanish "J" being pronounced like the English "h"), it is ear.

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