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July 15,1871:Lincolns son Tad died from heart failure on that day.At that time he was only 18 years old. July 16,1882:Lincolns wife Mary died on that day.At that time she was 63 years old. May 30,1922:The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in Washington D.C. on that day. July 26,1926:Lincolns son Robert died on that day.At that time he was 82 years old.

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Q: What does the very very very next part of the Abraham Lincoln Troadshow look like?
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1830:The Lincoln family moved to Illinois.At that time Illinois was a free state.

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March 10,1846:Their second son Edward was born on that day.

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April 4,1853:Lincolns fourth son Tad was born on that day.

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December 21,1850:The Lincolns third son Willie was born on that day.

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February 12,1809:Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Hardin County,Kentucky on that day.At that time Kentucky was a slave state.

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November 4,1842:Lincoln got married to Mary Todd on that day.They then bought a nice cottage in Springfield,Illinois.

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What does the 11th part of the Abraham Lincoln Troadshow look like?

January 17,1851:Lincolns father Thomas died on that day.At that time he was 73 years old.

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April 12,1861:Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter on that day.This thing started the Civil War.

What does the 7th part of the Abraham Lincoln Troadshow look like?

August 1,1843:The Lincolns first son Robert was born on that day.He was their only child who lived to be an adult.