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Because we all stick to our own kind: the longnecks, the three horns, the spike tails, the flyers...

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Q: What does three horns can never play with long necks mean?
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Related questions

What are the horns on a giraffe for?

Fighting. The males use their long necks to swing as hard as they can and strike the other male in the neck with the horns. It is usually done in competition for mating with the females.Some believe the horns are cooling towers and release heat, and others think that it's just a way to protect their heads.

Why do flamingos have long necks?

Flamingo's have long necks because they use it for fighting enemy's by swinging their necks.

Did long necks swim?

Sauropods didn't, but plesiosaurs did. Both had long necks

Why do narwhal whales have a long beak?

Narwhals do not have beaks, unlike birds. They do have one or two long, spiraling teeth that resemble horns or tusks. They use these in play-fighting (friendly jousting) and in fighting, similar to the uses of the long necks of giraffes.

How long did long necks live on earth?

Long necks go back to the dinosaurs when there were Lamarckian mutations.

Who sings long necks and red necks?

Johnny storm

Why does a graffie have a long neck?

Why do giraffe's have long necks? one fact they have long necks to reach high food from trees. 2. They use there long necks to fight, to see who get to get the female giraffe

How do giraffes neck get long?

They are born with long necks. Their necks do not "get long". They just are long naturally from birth.

Why do giraffes evolved with long necks?

Giraffes evovled with long necks so they can reach the tree and eat the leaves.

How many horns do have triceratops?

Three, one each above its eyes and one nose horn.

Did god create giraffe with long necks or did time cause their neck to grow long?

I swear it was God who create the giraffes with long necks.

Have giraffes always have long necks?
