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Q: What does to give generously of money gifts and work to help mankind?
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Related questions

What is a generous bestowal of gifts?

To give generously is to give a lot of something with kindness and no expectation of something in return. A generous bestowal of gifts would be giving someone many gifts purely out of kindness.

What gifts did Promethus give the people?

Prometheus stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind.

Can you give people money on meez?

No, but you can send gifts.

Can you give other zwinkies money?

No, you can only buy them a z-card or buy them gifts, you cannot give them money.

Should you give money as gifts?

You can, but DON'T use cash!

How much money does Santa give you?

Santa gives you about $500worth of gifts

Is it customary in England to give a wedding gift or money as a present?

It is just fine to give money instead of a gift at a wedding in England. Some couples prefer the money to buy what they want rather than getting duplicate gifts or gifts that do not suit their lifestyle.

What multiple do you give out money at bar mitzvah?

It's a Jewish tradition to give monetary gifts in multiples of 18.

What are alternative engagement gifts to give instead of personalized champagne glasses?

There are many options to give a couple as an engagement gift besides personalized glasses. You can do money, which is one of the best gifts to get ever.

How do you give money on movie star planet?

You can't give money, it's impossible unless you know some sort of cheat, which I don't. You can, however, give gifts, and that uses your money, so in a way it's like giving money. if that helps

What two gifts did Zeus give Pandora?

Zeus had the gods create her (which could be considered a gift, or curse) and gave her for wedding present the jar that contained the plagues of mankind.

How do you force people on chobots to give you a gift?

Don't force chobots to give you gifts :O save up your own money