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Q: What does triple Libra mean?
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What is the capital of libra?

If you mean Liberia, it is Monrovia. If you mean Libya, it is Tripoli. If you mean libra, there is no such place.

What does Libra mean in Spanish?

Libra in Spanish means pound.

What is the power of Libra and Sagittarius?

I don't know what you mean by the "power" of Libra and Sagittarius.

Are you a Cups or Libra if you are born on the October 23?

I don't get that question. Do you mean am I a cusp of Libra? Is so, you are a cusp of Libra and Scorpio

Does Libra mean book in french?

No. 'Libra' translates to 'Bookseller'. Try 'réserver' or 'livre' for book.

What does it mean if you are a Scorpio on the cusp of Libra?

It means you're "mixed" - half Libra, half Scorpio.

What does the constellation Libre mean?

"Libre" means Book "Libra" is probably what you mean, and "Libra" with an "a" means "Scales" LIBRA: September 28 -> October(?) 17-27 i think LIBRA CONSTELLATION: Scales Libras tend to find the best and worst of things before they happen, therefore BALANCING them on its scale

What is Libra constellation nickname?

The scales.

What is your archenemy am a Libra?

Well the opposite of Libra is Aries. But that doesn't really mean they're "archenemies," they just think different.

What does three Libras mean?

Libra can mean a constellation in the southern hemisphere or it can mean the 7th sign of the zodiac. In the latter case, three Libras would mean three people born under the Libra sign.

What is the Hebrew word for Libra?

if you mean the constellation Libra = moznayim (מאזניים) If you mean the astrological sign = mazal moznayim (מזל מאזניים)

What is the cusp of libra?

I believe you mean the autumnal equinox, which is where the sign of Libra begins. Libra sign exceeds 30 degrees (1/12 of the year) in the ecliptic plane, till the point where the sign of Scorpio begins.