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Q: What does very light brown stool color indicate?
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A cat's stool could be a light beige color due to the meal the cat has eaten. The color of a stool can change and there is nothing to worry about unless there is mucus or blood.

What kind of foods would turn your stool light in color?

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What can you take to make your bowels turn its normal color?

I assume you are talking about the color of your stool. Your intestines don't change color unless you eat lots of food with dyes in it. A healthy high fiber diet of whole foods and plenty of water should result in a healthy cardboard colored stool. A healthy stool is light brown most of the color coming from dead blood cells. If you have dark of black stool consistently it may be an intestinal problem, Yellow or green indicate other potential issues. If the stool is bright red it is most likely a hemorrhoid or anal fissure. Color can change based on what foods are eaten. I ate a piece of cake a while back with black frosting and thought I was dying the next day. A consistent stool that is dark/yellow/ or green should be discussed with a doctor.

What word means yellowish brown?

I have a stool that begins light brown and turns to a orange yellow stool. I have been taking Peri Colace for constipation. This doesn't always happen.

What does goldfish waste look like?

Goldfish stool can be a variety of colors and sizes. Healthy goldfish stool will be full/long and usually a brown color. Unhealthy goldfish stool may be clear, white, or red- which is an immediate sign that your fish is sick. Also, a lack of stool can indicate a health problem such as constipation. To keep your fish's digestive health and stool normal, try feeding the fish peas once or twice a week.

What is my toddlers black stool from?

Black stool may be caused by food or a viral infection. However, if the color persists, it could indicate a bleed in the upper GI track and should be checked by a doctor.

How can you use the word stool in a sentence?

I sat on the wooden stool at the kitchen counter while waiting for my breakfast to cook.

What is the perfect bowel movement?

The stool will have a light brown color, it will pass with little effort (no forcing or straining, this will damage the anus) The stool will normally be from 3 to 8 inches in length and both ends will have a taper to it. Depending how much you eat and exercise, you can expect 1-3 Bowel Movements per day, or 1 BM every 2-3 days Dark brown or black stool indicates blood in the stool, and if this continues for several days, see a doctor immediately This indicates a serious problem in the intestines.

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What does black stools mean have had it for 1day?

The color of your stool varies for a number of reasons. Some foods (such as black licorice) have a strong black color that will persist even into the stool. Your digestion does not always work in exactly the same way, either, depending upon the level of activity of your intestinal bacteria, for example. A black stool can also indicate some degree of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, since the blood turns black (or very dark brown) as it clots. So there is a possibility of an ulcer or other such problem. However, you would probably be experiencing pain, as well as seeing a black stool, if you had an ulcer. I would not jump to any conclusions after a single day of black stool.

Why is dog's stool light gray?

dog poo is brown but it use to be white because of the bone marrow in bones was white now it is brown because of the dog food we feed them is brown or at least not white

What should my stool look like?

Normal bowel movements vary for each person. In general, they should be brown in color (anywhere from very light to dark brown), formed, and soft to semi-soft. Characteristics not considered normal include (to name a few): blood in the stool; thick sticky or tarry stool; black stools; white stools; very loose watery stools; very hard stools; and stools that are difficult to pass that cause straining. Keep in mind that everyone's bowels are different. Some people lean more towards soft bowel movements, which is normal for them, and some people have harder to pass stools, which can also be okay. Your diet will also affect the color and consistency of your stools. If you are unsure about your bowel movements, or see blood in your stool, please see your doctor for diagnosis.