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'vous pouvez cracher' means 'you can spit'. you hear that at the dentist's only. Otherwise it can mean in slang 'you can pay' (large sums of money)

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What does je you suis et vous ne pouvez pas you changer mean in English?

this is not proper French and makes little sense. Je suis means I am; vous ne pouvez pas changer means you can't change.

What is 'Pouvez-vous être le mien' when translated from French to English?

could you be mine / can you be mine

What does Je suiis cOиfus paя vOtяee compoяtemeиt Comment pouvez-vous aimer quelqu'un si vous n'avez pas cOnfiance en elle mean?

It means that you are confused by someone's behaviour, how can you love someone if you do not trust that person? Julio (TRM-Mauritius)

How would you say you can do it in french?

It depends on if the word is feminine or masculine. Masculine: cet Ex. that book - cet livre Feminine: cette Ex. that car- cette voiture

What does vous voir mean?

'You see'

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The French phrase "vous pouvez partir" translates to "you can leave" in English.

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"You may not" or "You cannot"

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"Vous pouvez parler plus lentement" in English means "You can speak more slowly."

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Could you explain that please? (it should be - Pouvez-vous expliquer cela s'il vous plaît,)

What is 'pouvez' when translated from French to English?

"Can you?" and "You can" are English equivalents of the French word pouvez. Context makes clear whether "Can you? (Pouvez-vous?) or "You can!" (Vous pouvez!) suits. The pronunciation will be "pooh-vey" in French.

How do you say you can not get sick French?

vous ne pouvez pas être malade, vous ne pouvez pas tomber malade

What is 'Pouvez-vous' when translated from French to English?

"Can you?" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Pouvez-vous? The question also translates as "Are you able to?" in English. The pronunciation will be "pooh-vey-voo" in French.

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Could you tell me if you are still selling your house? -

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What is 'S'il vous plaît pouvez-vous lui apporter' when translated from French to English?

S'il vous plaît, pouvez-vous lui apporter... ? in French means "Can you please take him (something)?" in English.