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The area of your brain that controls body temperature is called the hypothalamus.

A) When the hypothalamus senses a rise in temperature, the body responds by activating cooling mechanisms such as:

- increasing the activity of sweat glands resulting in a cooling effect

- arterioles in the skin dilate allowing for skin capillaries to fill with blood. Heat is lost from the capillaries by radiation in order to cool you down

B) When the hypothalamus senses a drop in temperature, the body responds by activating warming mechanisms such as:

- constricting skin arterioles so that blood is diverted to deeper organs and tissues so that less heat is lost through radiation

- stimulating skeletal muscles to begin shivering. This generates body heat and has a warming effect

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1d ago

The body regulates its core temperature through processes like sweating, shivering, and adjusting blood flow. Sweating cools the body by evaporative heat loss, while shivering generates heat through muscle contractions. Blood vessels can dilate to release heat or constrict to retain heat, helping to maintain a constant core temperature.

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Q: What does your body do to keep a constant core temperature?
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How long can sperm stay fertile in room temp?

Sperm can remain fertile outside the body for up to about 1 hour at room temperature, but this can vary depending on factors such as humidity and exposure to light. It is best to keep sperm samples at body temperature (around 98.6°F or 37°C) if they need to be preserved for longer periods.

What could be the cause of low body temperature in a human?

Low body temperature in humans can be caused by factors such as exposure to cold temperatures, certain medical conditions like hypothyroidism or Addison's disease, medication side effects, severe infections, malnutrition, or alcohol or drug use. It is important to seek medical attention if a consistently low body temperature is experienced.

Why do you need lots of water?

Water is essential for numerous bodily functions including regulating body temperature, aiding in digestion, transporting nutrients, and eliminating waste products. It also helps maintain healthy skin, joints, and overall hydration levels in the body. Drinking enough water is crucial for supporting overall health and well-being.

After someone dies at home how long can you keep the body there?

You can keep a body at home for a few hours to a day after death in most places. However, it is important to check local regulations and contact a funeral home for guidance on how to proceed with the deceased person.

What things do our bodies use energy for when we are sleeping?

During sleep, our bodies use energy for essential functions such as breathing, circulating blood, repairing tissues, and maintaining proper brain function. Energy is also spent on processes like regulating body temperature, digesting food, and supporting the immune system.

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the same as 'warm-blooded', so an animal that can keep it's core body temperature fairly constant whatever the temperature of the surrounding environment.

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No. A spider has no mechanism to maintain its body temperature.

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Your body needs fuel to burn to keep your core body temperature up, especially when it's cold outside

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All mammals are classified as endotherms, which means they have some ability to keep a constant body temperature. However, endothermy is not complete, so a disease or extreme outside temperatures could overpower the mammal's ability to keep its body temperature constant.

How does your body keep a constant heat?

The body keep a constant heat because f the blood running through the body. The body temperature does not change even if the temperatures of our surroundings change.

How do bird keep their body temperature constant?

by flying to a warm place

Why is head cold and body hot?

Each area of the body dissipates heat at different rates in order to keep a constant temperature. This is because the enzymes in your body (that catalyse with other substances to create everything your body needs to go on) are very sensitive to temperature (which is the quantum movements of atoms). Your head and body may not be the same temperature externally but that is because they are regulating your internal body temperature to keep a core constant.

How does skin helps keep body temperature constant?

skin has goosebumps on it that keep the temprature of are body constant .moreover skin release sweat that produces cooling affect and maintains body temprature.

Why a newborn baby can't keep its body temperature constant?

what is it called when a baby is born and can't keep it's body temperature up, and the heart rate flucuates

What are the adaptations for maintaining a constant body temperature?

The adaptations for maintaining a constant body temperature are depending on the location of the person. Some people may need to layer up and warm up others may need to find ways to cool off and keep their body at a constant temperature.

When you are walking on a cold day what is some of the energy in your body being used for?

It is used to keep your body temperature at a constant temperature