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Antibodies against that particular infectious agent in the vaccine. See the related question below for more information on how vaccines affect your body.

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Q: What does your immune system produce after vaccination?
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Does vaccination trigger the immune system?

The propose of vaccination is to trigger the immune system and help it recognize a disease organism.

What is the introduction of altered antigens to produce an immune response?


What is the importance of vaccinations?

the importance of vaccination is that it helps pervent future diesesas

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Identify the system in the body that is most directly affected by a vaccination?

immune system

What stimulates vaccination?

Vaccines stimulates the immune system to make antibodies

What is an vaccination?

vaccination is a vaccine that stimulate your immune system to develop adaptive immunity to disease.

Why get vaccinated?

In short, a vaccination prevents you from catching a particular sickness. Vaccinations allow the immune system to become better prepared for a certain antigen (foreign invader) by giving it a "target" (usually a weaker or deaden strain of the antigen) to practice on. During the immune response to the vaccination, the body's supply of antibodies (and the B cells that produce it) is drastically increased. Should the vaccinated person encounter the antigen after vaccination, his/her immune system will be well prepared to put up a good fight. This is true for any effective vaccination against any antigen.

What system protects the body against infection?

your immune system and your White blood cells produce antibodies

What is vaccination and how does it work?

In a vaccination you will receive a version of the pathogen (disease) that can not make you sick because it is inactive or significantly weakened. It will be introduced into your body with an injection or sometimes using oral or nasal formulations. Your immune system will then produce antibodies, which will kill or deactivate the introduced pathogen. Therefore, if an active/live pathogen would enter your body later, your immune system would be quickly able to produce more of the same type of antibodies, as they will recognizethe organism that caused the infection and know what antibodies will work on it. Boosters then might be used over the years to essentially remind the immune system how to defend your body against the pathogen.

How does a vaccination protect a person from infectious diseases?

The vaccination process is intended to boost the immune system against infectious diseases and similar problems by introducing a small quantity of the disease to the immune system, so it knows what to look for and how to fight it. However, vaccination does not make you immune, so always exercise as much caution as possible in a situation in which you might be at risk of contracting an infectious disease.

What does the tb vaccination do?

The BCG vaccine contains a strain of mycobacterium bovis, which is a bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) in cattle. The bacteria have been altered so that they do not cause a TB infection but make your immune system produce antibodies. These make you immune (resistant) to the disease.