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It is the adverb form of zealous which is the adjective form of zeal.

Zealously means with vigor, determination, diligence, or devotion.

He pursued his goals zealously.

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15y ago

very enthusiastic or eager...but I have a feeling you dont know what those words mean either...

enthusiasm, wholeheartedness

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Q: What does zealousness mean?
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According to Webster's dictionary, zealousness is "marked by fervent partisanship", thus an appropriate sentence might be: "Joe McCarthy zealously denounced the speaker as being a traitor, merely because of his opposing political beliefs."

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activity">activity,_ardency,_">, ardency,ardor, avidity, conviction,craze, dash, devotion, eagerness, earnestness,ecstasy, emotion, energy, exhilaration, fad,fanaticism, feeling, fervor, fever, fieriness, fire,flame, flare, frenzy, fury, gaiety, glow, go*,heat, hilarity, hobby, impetuosity, intensity,interest, joy, joyfulness, keenness, life, mania,mirth, nerve, oomph, orgasm, passion, pep,rapture, red heat, relish, snap, spirit, transport,vehemence, verve, vim, vivacity, warmth, zeal,zealousness, zest

What personality traits start with the letter z?

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