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His mother and first wife died on the same day in the same house, on Valentine's Day, 1884.

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Q: What double tragedy did Roosevelt suffer in his life before becoming president?
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What was Teddy Roosevelt before becoming president?

He was governor of New York before he was nominated for vice-president, running with William McKinley. He became president when McKinley was assassinated.

What did Franklin Roosevelt do before presidency.?

Franklin D.Roosevelt served as the 44th Governor of New york before becoming president.

Which branch of serrvice did Teddy Roosevelt belong to?

Theodore Roosevelt, before becoming President, organized and financed the 1st US Volunteer Cavalry (Army).

What war did Theodore Roosevelt go to?

Before becoming US President, Theodore Roosevelt was the organizer of the "Rough Riders" who served in the Spanish American War in 1898.

What year did Theodore Roosevelt go to war?

Before becoming US President, Theodore Roosevelt was the organizer of the "Rough Riders" who served in the Spanish American War in 1898.

What were some political positions FDR held before becoming president?

Franklin D. Roosevelt had been the Governor of New York.

What was Thodore Roosevelt's job before he was president?

Theodore Roosevelt was US Vice-President.

What three presidents did Roosevelt serve under before becoming president himself?

William McKinley Cleveland harrrison

What position did Theodore Roosevelt hold before becoming vice president?

Theodore Roosevelt was a career politician. He was a New York State Assemblyman, US Civil Service Commissioner, President of New York Board of Police Commissioners, Governor of New York State, Assistant Secretary of the Navy , Vice-President and President of the USA.

Did Roosevelt come before or after Truman?

Before. Truman was Roosevelt's VP. When Roosevelt died in 1945, Truman was sworn in as president.

Who was first as president Herbert Hoover or Franklin Roosevelt?

Hoover was president immediately before Franklin Roosevelt.