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Q: What doubled chromosomes are first pulled apart?
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What occurs in mitosis that gives the new cell identical DNA?

There are several things that occur in mitosis that gives the new cell identical DNA. The chromosomes have to be doubled first and then division of the nucleus takes place to make new identical cells.

Doubled chromosomes first become visile in which step of mitosis?

double chromosomes first become visible in which step of mitosis?

What is the first stage of mitosis where the chromosomes become shortened and doubled?


What phase does chromosomes first appear to be double?

It is during the prophase in which chromosomes first appear to be duplex structures.Each cell in a person typically has 23 pairs of chromosomes.

What is the first in the formation of sex cells in the an organism that has eight chromosomes?

thE chromatIds mOVe ApArt, pRodUcIng cEllS wItH fOur chromosomes eAch.

What is the first step in the formation of sex cells in an organisms that has eight chromosomes?

thE chromatIds mOVe ApArt, pRodUcIng cEllS wItH fOur chromosomes eAch.

What is the process that pulls apart continents?

Plate tectonics. Sub layers called tectonic plates lie underneath continents move, shift, and grind against or away from each other. The actual process of pulling apart is called diverging. The super-continent Pangaea is an example of a continent that was pulled apart. First it was pulled apart into two continents that are called Laurasia and Gondwana and then was pulled farther apart into the world that we see today.

Diagram a cell with four chromosomes going through meiosis?

A cell undergoing meiosis with four chromosomes would look like this () --> (::)-->(:><:)---->(^:) (^:) this represents the cell chromosomes once together then spliting then connecting with the on and pulling the cell membrane until it pinches shut and becomes daughter cells.

During anaphase of meiosis do the chromosomes have one or two chromatids as they move toward the poles?

During the anaphase stage of mitosis the two chromatids become separate chromosomes. The chromatids are pulled apart and move toward their centrosomes. As they move toward the poles, the centrosomes go first, followed by the chromatids, forming a â??vâ?? shape.

What is the name of the process that breaks continents apart?

Plate tectonics. Sub layers called tectonic plates lie underneath continents move, shift, and grind against or away from each other. The actual process of pulling apart is called diverging. The super-continent Pangaea is an example of a continent that was pulled apart. First it was pulled apart into two continents that are called Laurasia and Gondwana and then was pulled farther apart into the world that we see today.

Which is the process during meiotic cell division where there is a separation of homologous pairs of chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes are chromosomes that carry genes that perform the same functions. Seperation of these chromosomes occurs during Mitosis where sister chromatids will be separated and pulled to opposite sides of a dividing cell. It also occurs during Meiosis 1 and 2 where in meiosis homologous chromosome pairs will line for the first time on the metaphase plate and be pulled to opposite sides of the cell and once again (without duplicating again) line up on the metaphase plate and be pulled to opposite ends of the cell. So the separation of homologous chromosomes happens in Meiosis stage 1 where you have a diploid organism with 4 copies of its chromatids and these homologous chromosomes (chromatids connected by a centromere) are pulled to opposite ends of the cell.

During what in meiosis the chromosomes move apart to the opposite poles of the cell?

The process described in your question is called anaphase. One can remember this step of the cell cycle easily because the chromosomes form 'A' shapes at the ends of the poles- and 'A' is of course the first letter of anaphase. The next step in the cell cycle is telophase- where the cell undergoes cytokinesis- splitting to form two new cells.