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Anyone with a real iodine allergy is dead. Sorry about that.

You can be allergic to all kinds of meds, but an allergy to any life requirement is fatal.

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Q: What drug do you take for under active thyroid if you have a iodine allergy?
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How much iodine-iodide should you take if you're moderately hypothyroid?

If you are moderately hypothyroid you should see your doctor about thyroid hormone therapy. Iodine is prescribed to people with an under-active thyroid because iodine helps the thyroid produce it's hormone. Please see your doctor for advice.

Is being cold one of the symptoms of thyroid?

Since the thyroid gland helps regulate metabolism, feeling cold can indicate that the thyroid in under active, called hypothyroid. One of the important nutrients for the thyroid is iodine, so eating seafood or using salt that has iodine added is good for the health of they thyroid gland.

What are the signs for over active thyroid?

An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), may cause you to experience unusual nervousness, restlessness, anxiety and irritability.Difficulty sleepingFatigueA rapid or irregular heartbeatA fine tremor of your hands or fingersAn increase in perspirationSensitivity to heatWeight loss, despite normal food intakeBrittle hairEnlargement of your thyroid gland (goiter)Change in menstrual cyclesFrequent bowel movements

How do you regulate a under active thyroid?

An under active thyroid (also known as hypothyroid) is regulated by taking daily prescribed thyroid medication, as directed by a doctor. To make sure a patient is taking the proper amount of thyroid medication, thyroid hormone levels are monitored through regular blood tests.

What is active thyroid?

An under active thyroid produces too little of necessary thyroid hormones. Thyroid diseases are very common and can be treated with medication. With proper treatment, thyroid hormone levels can be restored and you will likely notice improvement in your symptoms as feeling less fatigue and weight control.

Can hypothyroidism be treated with iodine supplements?

It may, but most people get plenty of iodine from a healthy diet, especially if they eat sea food on occasion and use iodized salt. Most likely there are other factors that are contributing to your hypothyroidism that usually involves a lower production of thyroid hormones T3 and/or T4. It's best to talk to your doctor and see what he/she recommends.

Difference between thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism?

Thyrotoxicosis: A condition resulting from excessive concentrations of thyroid hormones in the body, as in hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism: the overproduction of thyroid hormones by an overactive thyroid.

What does your body need irodine for?

Iodine is needed to allow the Thyroid glands to work sufficiently... what are thyroid glands?? they are glands under the chin/in the neck that release a hormone that regulates our metabolism.... what happens if we are iodine deficient? our metabolism slows, therefore we get fat

What can happen when you have a normal thyroid but take medications for and under active thyroid?

It can cause your thyroid to stop producing and cause major issues. Cindy Dronebarger 5402946698

Can an under active thyroid stop ones period?

Yes, your period can be delayed from it.

What is the result if the TSH level is 6.1 on diagnosis test?

Thyroid is under active

What is The hormone that targets the thyroid gland and triggers the release of thyroid hormone is?

Thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH. When the thyroid is under-active the pituitary secretes more TSH to try to make the thyroid release its own hormones (T3 and T4).