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Kind of makes one wonder about why black schools, controlled exclusively by Democrats, are consistently the worst performing schools in the free world. Perhaps it's not that blacks are poor and stupid, but rather there's a political motivation to keep the status quo and 80+% loyalty alive

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Before the invention of the press books were only owned by the church. Kings, and wealthy. In general people could not read and were told bible stories through the church. The stain glass windows and stations of the cross taught The Bible along with passion plays and services. The church acted as the middleman between God and the people. This gave them extreme power over Kings and populations. With the invention of the printing press once a person learned how to read he/she didn't need the church to tell what the bible said. They could also read new ideas and start to think about their world. When people can read it is harder to make them slaves( this is one reason American slaves were outlawed to learn the read) and they can begin to think critically about government and how they live. This changed the structure of society and allowed people to move up from the lower classes to middle class or higher. Other factors like war and the plague added to this change, but the ability to read truly changed the world and this still applies today.

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Q: What effect did the printing press have on the spread of information?
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Did the printing press effect the people and county?

Yes, the printing press had a significant impact on society by increasing the spread of information, facilitating the dissemination of ideas, and fueling literacy rates. It revolutionized communication and contributed to the growth of knowledge and the democratization of information.

Johann Gutenberg contributed to the spread of information by improving?

The printing press.

What effect did the printing press have on the ways europeans understood the world?

When it was invented in the 15th century, the printing press revolutionized the way Europeans saw their world. It allowed information to be disseminated to a large group of people quickly. The printing press helped spread ideas about religion and politics to people who had never before had access to this sort of information.

What was an effect of the printing pressing?

One effect of the printing press was the ability to mass produce books, leading to a widespread increase in literacy and access to knowledge. It also facilitated the spread of new ideas, ultimately fueling the Renaissance and Reformation movements.

What advancement helped spread Luther idea?

the printing press helped spread his idea around.

How does the printing press effect society?

The printing press had a profound impact on society by revolutionizing the way information was shared and disseminated. It increased literacy rates, accelerated the spread of knowledge, and played a key role in the dissemination of ideas that fueled the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution.

Ways information spread in the renaissance?

In the Renaissance, information spread through the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, which made it easier and faster to produce books and disseminate knowledge. Universities and schools played a crucial role in educating individuals who would then share information through writings and conversations. Additionally, the growth of trade and commerce facilitated the exchange of ideas and information between different regions.

Why The printing press was necessary?

The printing press was necessary because it allowed information to be spread rapidly. Prior to its invention, people had to copy written information and books by hand. The printing press allowed multiple copies of a text to be produced relatively quickly and cheaply. This made access to information much quicker and more common.

One invention in particular helped the spread of ideas during the reformation?

The 1440s invention that helped spread the ideas of the renaissance throughout Europe was the movable printing press. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

When was the first printing press in vented?

The first printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 1440s. It revolutionized the spread of information and played a key role in the dissemination of knowledge during the Renaissance.

Which was most influential in the spread of Protestantism in Europe?

Answer this question… The invention of the printing press

What were major effects of the printing press?

The main effect was quicker and broader dissemination of news and information.