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Adderall usually raises cortisol levels. Most substances or experiences which trigger fight or flight type responses like stimulants will do this. ADHD and other illness that are treated by Adderall are thought to involve disruptions in the HPA axis. For most real ADHD sufferers this increase in cortisol is thought to cause improvement in symptoms and it is rare that someone without abnormal adrenal function experiences high cortisol (Cushing's) symptoms.

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Q: What effect does Adderall have on cortisol levels?
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Cortisol is a steroid hormone, and is produced by the adrenal glands. To get rid of excess cortisol maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, and lowering stress levels will help greatly.

What effect would elevated cortisol levels have on blood glucose levels?

One function of cortisol is to decrease the cellular use of glucose while increasing both the available glucose (by promoting the brakedown of glycogen) and the conversion of amino acids to carbohydrates. Therefore, the net result of elevated cortisol levels would be an elevation of blood glucose.

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Honey reduces cortisol levels by reacting with the reagent IgA to release glucose. With too much glucose in the blood stream, cortisol is not needed in order to stimulate further glucose release.

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Yes, stress can produce excess cortisol. cmf3225

How can one measure the cortisol level?

Cortisol levels are measured through a simple blood test. These tests which measure your hormone levels, are typically done by a primary care physician.

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How can Addison's disease be diagnosed?

Once suspected, a number of blood tests can lead to the diagnosis of Addison's disease. It is not sufficient to demonstrate low blood cortisol levels, as normal levels of cortisol vary quite widely