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If you put in a T-stat that's too low, the computer will think the engine hasn't warmed up and it will command a richer air fuel mixture. That will reduce your gas mileage. It's never a good idea to use a T-stat that's different from factory. If you have a cooling problem, fix the problem the right way.

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Q: What effect does changing thermostat have on gas mileage?
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Does the thermostat affect gas mileage?

Yes. Your engine will get the best mileage at full operating temperature. If the thermostat is removed or not working properly causing the engine to become too hot or not hot enough it will affect the operating efficiency or your engine which will decrease your gas mileage.

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A bad thermostat can cause a decrease in gas mileage. If the thermostat is stuck open, the engine will tend to run cold. Not only will this result in a perpetually low temperature gauge reading and poorly performing heater. It will also cause the ECU to richen the mixture, since the engine will appear to be warming up to the ECU. This will result in poor gas mileage. Replacing the thermostat will allow the engine to fully warm up, which will restore gas mileage as well as heater performance.

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